Thursday 29 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Oh dear, I haven't been very good at keeping this updated have I? Well, better late than never.

Back in November I made some lovely felt decorations to go on my Christmas cards. The two designs were a Christmas tree and a bauble. Here's a couple of pictures of them in progress...

If I had thought further in advance, I might have taken a picture of the completed decorations! Along with the decorations from the last post (they were owls, well done for guessing).

My final crafty project (aside from making my wrapping paper, which I also forgot to photograph) was a birthday present for my friend. Here's a picture of the patter, three guesses as to whether there is a finished photo of this one!

That's it for now folks. I will update you in a few days with my crafty Christmas presents that I received, I'll have a few projects on the go again soon!

I hope you all have had a very merry Christmas and have a suitably wonderful New Year.

Friday 21 October 2011

First Christmas Cards

I guess it's that time of year already! I made my first Christmas cards today. I can't show you any details because the person one of them is for reads this blog.

Here's a little taster of the scraps of felt from the cards. Hm, I wonder what it could be?

You'll have to stay tuned until after the cards have been given to find out!

Monday 17 October 2011

Dancing Delight

As you may know, I go belly dancing once a week. I've been going for just over a year now and I'm really enjoying it. When I started again this September my dance teacher asked if I wanted to join in with her next hafla. A hafla is a bit like a party where everyone brings some food and people get up on stage and show the others what dance they've been learning.

Being the crafty sort of person I am, I needed to make my own costume. I managed to borrow a lovely velvet and silk skirt and decided to make my own top. It has ties on the back like a choli and I hand sewed all the beads and jingly bits on!

A bowl full of coins and one of beads.

Sewing in progress.

I decided to add some small sleeves and hey presto! All done.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Medical Museum

This post is a few days late. I'm sorry.

On Wednesday I went to the Thackray Museum in Leeds with my mum. It was very exciting, we went on the train and got a taxi!

Once we got there and had bought our tickets we began our journey through time. We began in Leeds in 1842, in a dark and smelly street. This exhibition was set up to show you the living conditions of the poorer people in society. You got to choose a character to follow (we just chose to follow them all) and found out where they lived and what their job was. There was someone for everyone, a baby right through to an old lady. Once you had found out what ailment they had, it was time to find a treatment for them. The next part of the gallery had several sections such as a quack doctor, family, a homeopath and a chemist. The idea was to read about each treatment and discover whether your character could afford the treatment or not. I was very surprised to find how expensive the quack doctor was; 1shilling for each treatment. Considering some people only had 2shillings to spend on treatment, that's quite a lot!

There were lots of cabinets and drawers filled with lotions and potions at the chemist.

The homeopath toolkit was very similar to those you might find today.

The next area explained a lot of the discoveries made during this time period, such as the discovery of bacteria, the concept of immunisation and antiseptics. After this, we were quite hungry. Thankfully the cafe was on the way to the next area. We stopped for some lunch (the food at the cafe comes highly recommended).

A short video began the exploration into how surgery has evolved over the years. The film spoke of a young girl that had to have her leg amputated. The surgery was brutal, she had no anaesthetics and was strapped down onto a table. Needless to say, surviving surgery was a lot rarer than it is now.

A surgeons toolkit looked more like a D.I.Y. kit, however many of the tools look quite similar to those used by surgeons now.

We are lucky to have anaesthetics nowadays. It means that we can survive surgery and not feel any pain during the operation.

The last section we went through explained how dangerous it was back in the Victorian times to have a baby. Women were expected to stay in bed for two weeks after having the baby. Now, they are encouraged to get up as soon as possible. Developments in technology such as ultrasound have meant that earlier checks can be made on the baby and more mothers and babies can survive.

I think that was the last part we went through, aside from going past a couple of mirrors telling you that your body is amazing!

Ending with one mirror asking if you're short, and one if you're tall. I think we look best short!

Monday 3 October 2011

Working at home

I came back home yesterday, and I've been busy helping remove the carpet from the stairs. My mum had already taken up the carpet downstairs, so we just had the landing and stairs to do. The landing carpet came up a treat, but the stairs themselves were another matter!

It took two hands to pull the carpet off, and when we did, half of it stayed behind!

There were lots of staples holding the underlay in place, and lots of gruesome looking nails.

That's D.I.Y. nails, not my fingernails...

And the finished product. Only eight more to go!

Friday 30 September 2011

First Week

Wow, what a busy week! I've had all of my introduction lectures for my modules, including the scary dissertation. I need to do a bit of research to make sure there is enough literature on my topic (what effect does the media have on young people). Hopefully there will be enough to do the critical study, otherwise it's back to the drawing board.

The workload seems fairly spread out this year, and the essays shouldn't be too difficult. People on my course are hoping to set up study groups so that should help things out.

In other news, I will have some photos of a project I've been working on for a few days. I should also be sorting a day out for the making of the 'secret' project soon.

Also, look forward to next Wednesday when I will be visiting a medical museum in Leeds, there should be a few photos there.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Not so secret project

I've been busy with felt today! I have a few sneak peeks for you to take a look at. Nothing big, full details will be revealed at a later date.

First I drew some templates (they've been drawn for a while really) then cut them out.

Then I chose some felt from my rainbow.

Finally I drew round the templates onto the felt.

Hopefully it won't be too long before I can share what this project makes!

Friday 23 September 2011

Finally a 3rd year!

I had my uni induction yesterday. It was really great to see the people on my course again, we spent an hour before just catching up, seems like everyone had a good summer :)

The actual induction was a bit scary, lots of talk about dissertations, presentations and essays. Luckily the girls on my course are helpful and supportive so we'll all get through this in one piece! I'll keep you posted on dissertation news as it comes, I think it will help to have somewhere to write my ideas down. Currently, my plan is to write about the effect the media has on young peoples identity, is it a positive or negative one? Lots of reading ahead of me for that!

Anyway, that's it for now. Once I've cut some pieces of felt out I should be having my friend round for our first crafty session!

Monday 19 September 2011


How exciting, I finally have my own blog! I thought I'd make my first post a bit of an introduction to why I've made this blog and what you can expect to find here.

Basically, I read a lot of blogs...I think they're pretty cool :P So naturally, I wanted my own. I'm not expecting anyone to read it (apart from my parents who are the main audience).

So, what will I be writing about? I'm going to try and improve my writing skills by reviewing books that I read and films that I watch. I also have a friend that wants to learn to sew, hopefully I'll post photos of what we make and links to some cool tutorials I find. Finally, as part of my studies I'm meant to keep a journal, so I figured I might as well blog it. It's not going to be anything personal and exciting, just my thoughts on what I'm learning at Uni :)

Well...that's all for now folks...I should be posting again within the next week when something interesting happens :)